Spinal Health


Misaligned Vertebra Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Keeping Your Spine Healthy

Below is an adapted excerpt from the chapter on Subluxation taken from Dr. Sean Woods’ book, “The Healing Vibe.”

Having a chiropractor who helps maintain your spinal health can be one of the smartest things you do for yourself. Chiropractic care works to restore motion to the body’s joints, including the cranium, spine, and pelvis. This spinal system needs to be balanced and moving freely to allow the brain and spinal cord to function normally. The nervous system is a major carrier of electrical energy through your body. Restoring motion to locked vertebra in someone who has been stuck for years can create a seemingly magical healing response. Chiropractors open the area—and the body’s own wisdom does the rest.

Subluxation can be caused by physical injury and poor posture, as well as chemical imbalances and emotional stressors. Restoring a nerve system that has been damaged requires the removal of the subluxation, correcting digestion problems, and making healthy bile again. It does not matter your opinion of chiropractic, subluxations create dis-ease in the body, and perfect health will never be achieved when they are present.

Order your copy of “The Healing Vibe,” by Dr. Sean Woods.