Treating Migraines Holistically


Foods to Avoid if You Suffer from Migraines

Know the Dietary Triggers for Painful Migraines

Below is an excerpt from the chapter on Migraines, taken from Dr. Sean Woods’ book, “The Healing Vibe.”

I suffered with migraines and can still get one if I eat the wrong things. My triggers include soy sauce, food preservatives such as potassium sorbate, and sugar alcohols in diet products. Migraines are always linked right back to the gallbladder and an upper neck and/or cranial subluxation.

As a chiropractor, I see patients frequently who suffer from migraines. One of the best things I advise they can do is take a close look at diet, identity trigger foods, and avoid them. When you take a step back and clean the basic systems of the body, the body will heal and fix itself.

Order your copy of “The Healing Vibe,” by Dr. Sean Woods.