Your Body’s Digestive Web


Understanding the Role of the Mesentery

Path to a Healthier Digestive System

Below is an adapted excerpt from the chapter on Mesentery, taken from Dr. Sean Woods’ book, “The Healing Vibe.”

The mesentery is the interface between the digestive organs and every other part of the body. Like a webbing, it interconnects all the digestive organs in the abdomen and at the same time acting as a suspension network to hold the organs in place. The fascia of the mesentery is continuous with the fascia of the entire body. It provides another avenue for delivering nutrients to every aspect of the body. Therefore, it’s health is critical for you to experience well-being on many levels. Your digestive system is considered your second brain, so when your mesentery starts gluing up and plaquing shut, you know that your brain is not far behind! Many, if not all, cases of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s have large portions of their mesentery glued shut. Learn how to keep your mesentery healthy in “The Healing Vibe.”

Order your copy of “The Healing Vibe,” by Dr. Sean Woods.